ZTT Compliance Manual

ZTT Compliance Manual applies to Demirer Kablo and its affiliates. If there is any inconsistency between the original system of Demirer Kablo and ZTT Compliance Manual, ZTT Compliance Manual shall prevail.

ZTT iç uyum uygulamaları , Demirer Kablo ve iştirakleri için de geçerlidir. Demirer Kablo ile ZTT iç uyum uygulamaları arasında herhangi bir tutarsızlık olması durumunda ZTT'nin Uygunluk Kılavuzu geçerli olacaktır.

01. ZTT Compliance Guidelines

02. ZTT Employees Compliance Code of Conduct

03. ZTT Compliance Rules for Due Diligence on Third Parties

04. ZTT Compliance Rules on Bidding

05. ZTT Compliance Rules on Contracts

06. ZTT Compliance Rules on Procurement

07. ZTT Compliance Rules on Cash Payment

08. ZTT Compliance Rules on Gifts and Hospitality

09. ZTT Compliance Rules on Donations and Sponsorships

10. ZTT Compliance Rules on Compliance Audit

11. ZTT Compliance Rules on Risk Assessment

12. ZTT Compliance Rules on Internal Investigation

13. ZTT Compliance Rules on Employees Compliance Training